Rooftop by Paul Volponi | Teen Ink

Rooftop by Paul Volponi

September 26, 2012
By jasmine diaz BRONZE, Nipomo, California
jasmine diaz BRONZE, Nipomo, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I never realized how devastating the consequences of drugs could be until I read the book Rooftop by Paul Volponi. In the story Clay and Addison, both cousins, enter a rehabilitation center called Daytop. Clay is a kind, lost, sophomore who followed the crowd and smoked his way to Daytop. Daytop is a place where several teens with addictions work with their counselors and peers to help them stay clean. Unlike Clay, Addison chose to sell drugs and make a living off of them. Clay has been in Daytop longer than Addison, so he knows how to overcome the pressures of the world. Addison, on the other hand, continues to sell drugs while in the program. Clay realizes that Addison isn’t getting the help he needs and he begins to feel worried. He tries to help his cousin out, despite the family issues they’ve had in the past, but ends up failing. Sadly, Addison’s body is found on the rooftop of his childhood apartment. Clay believes drugs had something to do with it, but he doesn’t know for sure. While investigating, he finds out a secret of his cousin’s that puts his life at risk. I recommend this book to people who have lost their loved ones to drugs or enjoy a thrilling book. Along with the tragic events in this story, Rooftop is also very entertaining.


This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 18 2016 at 12:42 pm
I think Clay would know because he was on the rooftop with Addison duh.

???????????? said...
on May. 15 2015 at 9:41 am
I thought Addison got killed by the police on the rooftop because he held up his wallet like it was a gun??......but hey, maybe it's a different book entitled Rooftop by Paul Volponi