The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls | Teen Ink

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

August 2, 2012
By cmiley BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
cmiley BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
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The Glass Castle is a book that truly submerses the reader into the life of Jeannette Walls. A life experience in which, depending the person, is similar or far more erratic than the one they have so far lead.

This book's description does it no justice; I wasn't at all expecting such a well-told, deep, and touching story. The Glass Castle made my heart race, drop, and ache at almost every page; it was very hard to put down. When I finished it, I was surprised and a bit disappointed. I had wanted to know so much more! However I had to remind myself (as I had done several times when reading) that it was an autobiography - not just an ending a fiction author could choose to write up.

It has been a while since a piece of writing had managed to conjure such vivid scenes in my mind. As I was reading, I became just as surprised or emotional as if I was in the room, one of the Walls myself.

Jeannette has done a spectacular feat by being able to recall the terrifying moments and tragic events in her life for the world to know. I felt so genuinely towards the Walls family - it is too easy to get utterly attached to all of them, even Jeannette's father, Rex. During most the majority of the book I just wanted to give Jeannette's parents a piece of my mind - though there were some ideals I could somewhat relate to, understand, and want for myself.

I would definitely want friends and family to read The Glass Castle. In fact I think everyone should read it at some point in their life, especially people who have had mostly everything handed to them in their life. It made me realize how hard families can have it, or how different people are. If you have good parents, The Glass Castle makes you appreciate them so much more. Some children, like Jeannette, have parents who rarely make decisions for the good of the family or don't do much to try and make ends meet.

If you are considering reading The Glass Castle, do it. It is worth every second of your time. "Just read the first pages of The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, and I defy you not to go on." - Dominick Dunne. I couldn't have said it better myself. If you read this inspiring autobiography, there's definitely something you can benefit and learn from.


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