A Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

A Fault in Our Stars by John Green

June 5, 2012
By Tooshytosayhello BRONZE, Pawcatuck, Connecticut
Tooshytosayhello BRONZE, Pawcatuck, Connecticut
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I fell in love with the book, A Fault in Our Stars by John Green. This novel was so captivating that I read it in just one day. I couldn’t put it down! It’s the love and life story of two fighters. They aren’t WWE fighters or boxers, their fighting something more intense. They are cancer fighters. The girl, Hazel is 17 and has lung cancer. The boy, Augustus is also 17, but he has osteosarcoma,which is extreme bone cancer. They try to live life to the fullest, but there’s always a looming threat in the back of their minds. The threat of death.

In this story Hazel is depressed and is going to a support group. One day Augustus appears and they are instantly captivated by each other. They start spending a lot of time together, and then become inseparable. They both have a favorite author who vanished and couldn’t be found, until one day when Augustus gets an email from the author. After this mysterious reply the two teens go on a goose chase to get to him. Along the way they fall in love even more and learn very important life lessons that will stick with them forever. Such as to live in the moment and also that just because someone seems a certain way doesn’t mean they really are.

John Green, the author of this book has also written the well-known books Will Greyson, Will Greyson, and An Abundance of Katherines. He is an acclaimed young adult writer and is popular among teens.

I really enjoyed this book because it had very strong visuals, an example is when the author described one of their dates. I could see the sun shining and the flower blossoms falling off the trees, just like he described. I could feel what the characters were feeling and going through and I felt like I was there with them. For example in one of the scenes, Hazel was talking about how professional and sterile one of the hospitals she was in was. I could strongly see and even smell what that hospital was like. I recommend this book to anyone who likes a good love story. And to anyone who enjoys books about the real struggles of everyday life.

The author's comments:
I loved this book and wanted to do a review. I read it because I am friends with a "cancer kid"


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