Loretta Lynn: Coal MIner's Daughter by Loretta Lynn | Teen Ink

Loretta Lynn: Coal MIner's Daughter by Loretta Lynn

April 4, 2012
By butterfly96 BRONZE, North Reading, Massachusetts
butterfly96 BRONZE, North Reading, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Loretta Lynn was true to herself with her language, especially. She wrote the in the same as she would talk. As I read the book I felt as if she was really talking to me. The plot is her life and memories. Loretta jumps around a little bit, just like anyone would do when going through all of their jumbled memories.

The book had an authentic feel to it and is an easy read. Loretta makes her feelings and ideas clear, for example she talks about how she feels men and women should be loyal to each other. It really gives the reader a true insight to how she went from poverty to one of the top country singers in the world.

I would recommend this book to anybody. It is a great and inspirational read. I would rate it a ten out of ten.


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