Pool Boy by Michael Simmons | Teen Ink

Pool Boy by Michael Simmons

March 9, 2012
By Liam Simons BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Liam Simons BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
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Money is a very interesting thing. One day you may have buckets, and the next day you may be completely broke. This is precisely what happened to Brett Gerson, the protagonist of Pool Boy, by Michael Simmons. This development of poverty seems catastrophic, both to Brett and to the reader. However, it turns out to be a great occurrence, as Brett makes a new friend and a great discovery about life. Pool Boy is a must for any reader hungry for a great book, filled with humor and wit. In the end, you will be in disbelief. All in all, Pool Boy, by Michael Simmons, is a must-read.

The novel is told in first-person from the protagonist, Brett Gerson. This style of writing offers much information and opinion, but this style is not for everybody. The downside of this format is all opinions given are Brett’s, so the reader is denied different information from any other characters. However, the style of author Michael Simmons is opinionated, sophisticated, and very funny. For example, many times throughout the book Brett shares his opinion on other characters, filled with great wit and humor. Pool Boy is a great read for all.

This novel is about the life of a fifteen-year-old boy named Brett Gerson. When the book begins, Brett’s father is being hauled off to jail for insider trading. Brett’s rich and luxurious life goes down the drain, along with all of his family’s money. Even worse, he is forced to live with his crazy aunt Mary, on the poor side of town. Brett is forced to get a job while all of his friends are enjoying their summer break. Finally, he quits his job, and becomes the personal assistant of Alfie, the owner of Alfie’s Pool Cleaning Service, and Brett must clean the pools he used to own. At first, Brett despises his new job, until he starts to bond with Alfie. Suddenly, a tragic event ends their bond, but Brett makes a valuable realization about life. Will Brett find happiness? Read Pool Boy to find out!

Never take anything for granted. That is the message I received from Pool Boy, by Michael Simmons, and it is restated several times throughout the novel. In the book, Brett’s father is incarcerated, and within a matter of minutes Brett’s entire family becomes lower class citizens. This describes one of the times the theme is suggested throughout the novel. Also, it occurs when Brett loses his job, flipping burgers at Fast Burger. Prior to this, Brett thought that his life was at rock-bottom. All in all, never take anything for granted, such as Brett did before his family became broke.

I would most definitely recommend Pool Boy to any reader looking for a nice and funny book. It’s wit and grace makes it humorous but slightly classy at the same time. It is a great read for anyone looking for a pick-me-up book, filled with humor. If I were to rate it overall, I would give it four stars. The main obstacle keeping it from 5 stars would be that characters are removed from the book to quickly, not allowing the reader to connect on a personal and emotional level. Overall, Pool Boy resonates as a great and inspiring book.

All in all, Pool Boy, by Michael Simmons, is a book filled with twists, turns, and laughs. I would most definitely recommend it to any reader, especially if they enjoy funny good-natured books. Will Brett overcome his desire for his previous life style? Will Brett finally be happy? Everybody who reads Pool Boy will be shocked and pleased with the ending.


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