The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls | Teen Ink

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

December 12, 2011
By Jordan Orrell BRONZE, North Oxford, Massachusetts
Jordan Orrell BRONZE, North Oxford, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In The Glass Castle, an in-depth memoir about a family’s poverty-stricken life, Jeannette Walls tells of her upbringing in a dysfunctional family and the remarkable story of their survival against overwhelming odds. Beginning with Jeannette seeing her mother searching through a city dumpster and flashing back to the childhoods of the four kids, booklovers will be astonished by the tragic conditions of Jeannette’s youth and awed by her courage and valor.

In the early days, Rex and Rose Mary Walls traveled with their children all around the Southwest to run from their problems. Rex, when sober, was an enticing, intelligent man who captured his children’s imagination. Rex taught them about geology, physics, and especially, how to embrace life with much audacity. Rose Mary always painted and wrote and refused to be held within the normal boundaries of a wife and mother. The defiance to conformity against society by both parents left the children to fend for themselves.

The most astounding element of this memoir is Jeanette’s loving portrayal of her family, embracing rather than rejecting them. Jeannette was the “placater” child; the child who always consoled each member of the family, the sensitive child, always in touch with the feelings of others, and the responsible child, the child everyone relied on emotionally. In her youth, Jeannette handled her father, confessing the hurt and destruction his drinking affected the family. Jeannette saw the goodness in both parents, even when she knew they were hurting the family.

This memoir will provide readers with an amazing story of triumph, as well as an emotional tale of unconditional love in a dysfunctional family. Despite her family’s flaws and their tragic experience, Jeannette, doggedly shaped a successful, positive life of her own. The conclusion of the book will enlighten every reader to the power of forgiveness.


This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 25 2012 at 4:39 am
AaronSan BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 5 comments
Very nice one of a kind i enjoyed it and this review makes me want to read the book again great job!