I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore | Teen Ink

I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

November 15, 2011
By Michael eason BRONZE, Ossining, New York
Michael eason BRONZE, Ossining, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore is a book about an endangered race from another planet that came to earth in hopes of survival. Out of the nine Loriens (endangered race) the first three are dead. The author decided to put the reader in the eyes of John Smith, a name that the main character gave himself to cover up his true identity. The story starts out with an action scene that we later learn is the death of one of the other Loriens. After that the book slows down and tries to explain itself and what is going on with john at the time.

All of the Garde like John are connected to one another by a spell that was cast on them before they fled their home planet. This spells reverses any damage away for the Loriens. It also notifies them when another member has died, by magically burning in a scar on their ankle.

While this book is not a completely new idea it does a very nice job on expanding on it to make it the others own. This book has a lot of creative themes that are showcased and by the end you start to really feel for the characters and the predicament that they are in. All John wanted to do was live a normal life but because he is always on the run from the main enemy that destroyed John’s home planet of Lorien. The story starts to get interesting when John and his Cepean, Henri decided to stay in there recently moved in house in Paradise, Ohio. John got the opportunity to live like a normal 15-year old. But being normal can not last forever for John as something’s happens that quickly reminds himself that he is very different form humans. He may look, walk, and talk like humans but he is far from one. John starts to develop powers that at first seem useless in any situation but prove to be useful later on in the book.

I think that this book is good for many different kinds of readers; it offers a lot more than then an action filled adventure. And instead turns out to be a great book for anybody to read. I just started to read the second book in the Lorien Legacies, The Power of Six series and it is definitely worth reading after you finish the first.


This article has 1 comment.

Smiley Grace said...
on Dec. 2 2011 at 8:40 am
This book sounds intresting. I saw the movie, but I've never heard of the book. I think I'll read it.