"Jacob Have I Loved" -by Katherine Paterson | Teen Ink

"Jacob Have I Loved" -by Katherine Paterson

November 16, 2011
By MccoyCommaRiley BRONZE, Fostoria, Ohio
MccoyCommaRiley BRONZE, Fostoria, Ohio
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Book Review
1. Jacob have I Loved
2. Katherine Paterson
3. Crowell, 1981
4. "Jacob Have I Loved" is a well-written story following the life of Sara Louise. She has a twin sister named Caroline, who seems to be the better twin. She is better at everything- singing, making friends, winning people over, etc... She even had a more special place in her family's hearts than Sara. But, Sara wants to break out from her sister's shadow, and this story tells how Sara attempts, and somewhat succeeds in doing so.
5. Identification of key characters-
Sara Louise- A strong, young woman, who prefers to be out on the water hunting for crabs than to be doing what other ladies her age were doing. However, even though she is a bit of a tomboy, she can also be a romantic dreamer. She spends a lot of her time trying to break free of her sister's shadow, and is somewhat consumed in the hate she has for her sister.
Call- As a child, Call was a pudgy, awkward boy, who had a very dry humor, and was very serious and solemn about everything. Him and Sara were best friends throughout their childhood, but grew farther apart the older they got. He and the Captain also grew very close.
Caroline- A seemingly perfect, goody-two shoes gal, Caroline is loved by everyone on Rass Island. She has the perfect voice, and she is the prettiest girl anyone has ever seen. This causes big problems with her sister, Sara. Sara, otherwise known as "Wheeze", is in the background- the less pretty, the less talented, the less of everything. Caroline seems blind to the bitterness that Sara portrays to her, and never really talks to her to see what the matter is...
Captian Hiram Wallace- Captain Hiram Wallace, otherwise known as "The Captian" comes to Rass Island during the spring time, and is a mystery to everyone, a famous mystery. There were many rumors of who he was, and what he came for, but no one took the liberty of actually meeting him, and talking to him. That is, until Sara and Call go to visit him one day. They end up becoming very good friends, and visit nearly every day. Sara begins to have a huge crush on him and spends most of her day dreaming about him. He ends up marrying another woman, and then sending Caroline off to a great school, which brings him down in Sara's high place she once held him in.
6. Recommendation- I choose to give this book an "A", because it is a very well thought- out book, written in a clear, yet intriguing way. If you are a religious person, parts of the book will make you pick up your bible and search for the scripture that's quoted! Also, I feel a lot of sympathy and compassion for Sara, because she reminds me of myself. I also have a sister that steals the spotlight, and many of the emotions Sara Louise has throughout the book, I have felt several times myself.


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