The Wanderer by Sharon Creech | Teen Ink

The Wanderer by Sharon Creech

November 3, 2011
By McFuzzyPants BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
McFuzzyPants BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Wanderer
By Sharon Creech, Scholastic Inc., 2000, 305 pp., $3.99
ISBN 0-439-33687-2

In The Wanderer, Sharon Creech describes the epic experience of Sophie, a thirteen-year-old girl who sails across the Atlantic on the ambitious Wanderer. Sophie has always loved the sea. It calls to her, and begs her to explore and discover its mysteries. Sophie is the only girl among her three uncles and two cousins as they sail toward England to see their grandfather, Bompie. Through Sophie and her cousin Cody’s travel logs, you’ll encounter the rich emotions they convey about their travels, what they learn, and how this trip could take Sophie back to her forgotten past.

The Wanderer is a touching story about adventure, learning, and remembrance of things once forgotten. I heard Sophie’s troubling thoughts and stared in awe as she told her stories to the crew. I felt as if I was the seventh in a group of six determined wanderers on their perilous journey. I thought this was a very detailed book about adventure and the differences a family can have. I also liked this book because it was more about the risky venture rather than romance and deep social issues. You will be called to the sea as Sophie was, and laugh at Cody and Brian’s joking behavior. Sharon Creech’s words come alive with emotion and heart.

Any reader who enjoys suspenseful situations along with concerning memories and jokes is sure to fall in love with this book. “I flew over the water, with only the sounds of the wind and the water and the birds, all of them calling, sail on, sail on,” wrote Sophie. Sharon Creech creates an arousing environment where a girl’s fears are understood and her dreams are realized.


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