graceling by kristin cashore | Teen Ink

graceling by kristin cashore

November 3, 2011
By tjbrown65 BRONZE, Chapel Hill,, North Carolina
tjbrown65 BRONZE, Chapel Hill,, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Kasta is a special girl with the “grace to kill a man with her bare hands. Graceling by Kristen Cashore was an amazing book. It is about a girl named Kasta who lives in a world where some people are graced with a talent. Kasta works for her uncle, king Randa of the middlums to do his dirty work by hurting people who won’t obey him. Then her life turns arround completely when she meets a prince named Po. He is graced with fighting and they become very good friends. He then convinces her that Randa is bad and they leave his castle to go on an adventure through thick forests and cold moutains to find out why Po’s grandfather was kidnaped. Along the way they learn secrets about their graces and encouter a very sadistic king which surprises all of them in the end.

This was definitely a page turner and I now want to read the sequell Fire. There is a lot of surprises in every chapter and that will also affect the plot and Kastas decisions many ways and makes you want to read more. Another thing that I liked about Graceling was there was a lot of action because of Kastas grace to kill. For example when she is crossing the mountain so she can escape the evil king Leck she encounters a mountain lion and kills it without any weapons! It is definitely a good book for anyone in middle school or anyone looking for a great adventure!


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