The Good Ghouls' Guide To Getting Even by Julie Kenner | Teen Ink

The Good Ghouls' Guide To Getting Even by Julie Kenner

September 30, 2011
By BookOwl PLATINUM, Bristol, Tennessee
BookOwl PLATINUM, Bristol, Tennessee
32 articles 5 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." Theodore Roosevelt

Sixteen year old Beth Frasier had her future all planned out. She was currently working to fill out her college applications, her school of choice? Tisch School at NYU. She has taken AP classes for years, and she was so close to her goal; when everything fell apart. Beth signs up for drill team to add some extracurricular work to her transcript, not expecting that the head cheerleader herself would invite her to join the cheerleading squad- or that Stephen Wills (the varsity quarter back) would be the one to suggest it. Having had a crush on Stephen ever since her freshmen year, she ignores her better judgment, and agrees to join the squad.

To Beth, everything seems like a dream, that quickly turns into a nightmare. Stephen doesn’t like her, he only pretended to so she’d never suspect what he was. A vampire. Beth didn’t know what was happening until it was too late, and she was dead. She wakes up in her own grave, the dirt caving in around her. After a while she realizes what has happened, she’s a vampire. Now she wants revenge, Stephen Wills was going to pay.

I found this book very enjoyable, I found myself unable to stop reading until I turned the last page. Julie Kenner kept the book humorous, while keeping you wondering what will happen next. I find very few books that will keep me up all night reading, so I was pleased that this one managed. The sequel is already out, and even though I haven’t yet read it, I plan to buy it very soon.


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