Leviathan by Scott Westefeld | Teen Ink

Leviathan by Scott Westefeld

September 29, 2011
By william uhlarik BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
william uhlarik BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

By: Scott Westefeld

The battle between Clankers and Fabs is on! Leviathan by Scott Westefeld combines characters Alek and Deryn in this action packed adventure during World War 1. It puts a twist on history in this historical fiction book!

Deryn is a British girl disguised as a guy in the air service abroad the mighty Leviathan! She is a very brave because she could be caught at any time. Alek is the prince of Austria-Hungary whose parents have just died. Now he is on the run, but from whom? Also, I think Alek gets to pilot something really awesome!

This book has a ton of action and battles, so it is a book that will keep you hooked in to it. This book might be an epic adventure, but is starts slow. If you love history then you will love Leviathan with its combining of a world of the future into the past. If you are in middle school or high school this book will be a great read and I say to you,” Pick up this book!” I enjoyed Leviathan and I hope you like it as much as I did!


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