Maximum Ride by James Patterson | Teen Ink

Maximum Ride by James Patterson

April 17, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The book that I have read that I think is really awesome, in my opinion, is Maximum Ride by James Patterson, a successful author who made a series out of the book, which he said was one of his best publications he has ever produced. The Maximum Ride novel has a four-book series; there is Maximum Ride: the Angel Experiment, Maximum Ride: School's Out—Forever, Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports, and Maximum Ride: the Final Warning, which was just released more than a week ago. James Patterson was successfully able to sell millions of copies to many young adult readers worldwide.

The novel, Maximum Ride, is about six unique kids who have genetically-altered superpowers and have wings of a giant bird which give them the ability to fly. The kids' names are Max, 14-years-old, a teenage girl who is the leader of the gang and is also the narrator of the story, Fang, 14-years-old, who is the oldest, the strongest, and has a soft spot for Max; also, he has his own blog on his own personal laptop, Iggy, 14-years-old, who is completely blind in both eyes, Nudge, 8-years-old, an aggressive girl with an attitude and a fashion sense, the Gasman (or “Gazzy”), 11-years-old, the loudmouth preteen, and Angel, 6-years-old, the “cute-and-innocent” little girl who has the ability to read minds and is like a daughter to Max. These six kids grew up together like a family in the most evil place on Earth called the School, where they weren't taught math or science like other schools, but how to survive. Since they were born, the School has cruelly and inhumanely experimented on the kids, combining their DNA with the DNA of birds, which is how they got their powers in the first place. This went on hour after hour, day after day, and year after year until, eventually, they manage to escape thanks to the help of Jeb, who was the only person who actually cared for the flock and watched over them like a father. Now, the gang have to travel all over the globe to discover their true purpose, which is saving the world which is later revealed, and find the truth about their parents. However, their every single move was being watched by the Erasers, who are also experiments from the School who are half human, half giant flesh-eating wolf, and their commander Ari, who has a deep inner hatred for Max and vows to kill her. But with the flock's wings and their supernatural abilities, they'll do whatever it takes to accomplish their mission and try to find peace in the world.

When you read this book, I guarantee that you will refuse to take your eyes and your mind off the story. Also, amazingly, James Patterson, the author, agreed with the movie studios to produce a featured film in theaters which will be a combination of the entire Maximum Ride series. This is going to be sweet!


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