Stuart Little by E.B White | Teen Ink

Stuart Little by E.B White

April 8, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Stuart Little is a fictional story written by E.B White. E.B White was born in Mount Vermont, N.Y, and he dreams to be a poet someday. The title Stuart Little is actually the name of the main character. My overall opinion is that I liked the book, because it's adventurous, and normally people like adventurous books. The characters are so well described and the language the author uses is a very simple language, and it will be easy to read and understand without being confusing. Some books don't encourage a person to continue reading, but this book really does.
The part of the story that I liked most was when Stuart went looking for his best friend Margalo. He finds many different obstacles in his way like food, water, and shelter. Stuart finds a girl just the same height as him, and he falls in love with her. This section was mostly concentrated by the author, because it was the main part of the story and it revealed the main character fully. It was described very well.
I really liked this book and I advise everyone to read it. It is detailed, and the characters are described in a way so that you feel you're seeing them right in front of you. I liked the type of characters the author uses like for example, Stuart is a mouse. If he wasn't a mouse, the adventures couldn't have been interesting.

The story might not be nice for some people that don't like adventure story , because it is mostly with adventure, but it could have been nicer if there had more suspension. But all in all It is still a wonderful book!


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