A Field Guide to High School By Marissa Walsh | Teen Ink

A Field Guide to High School By Marissa Walsh

March 23, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Have you ever wanted a guide for freshman year of high school? Are you unknowledgeable of what high school may bring? Do you or a loved one suffer from HSAS (High School Anxiety Syndrome)? If you answered yes to any of these questions, your treatment has finally become readily available.
Andie is getting ready to start her freshman year at the elite private high school, Plumstead, and Claire, Andie's big sister, is starting her freshman year at Yale. Claire, of course, was valedictorian of her senior class, captain of the Field Hockey team, and involved in as much as she had time for. Andie is worried about having to live up to her sister's legacy since her extracurricular list doesn't exactly touch the floor. Thankfully, Claire wrote a book especially for her little sister, giving Andie as much information as anyone would ever need to start high school.
A Field Guide to High School is the perfect one-night read. It's easy to understand and the story moves very smoothly. This book comes complete with hundreds of pop culture references. C'mon, how could you not love a book with a Gilmore Girls reference in it? It also may give future high school freshmen an idea of what to expect in high school. Some of the tips just refer to Plumstead high school, but many tips can be transferred to any school. However, if you are reading to widen your horizons or learn some new philosophical thoughts about life, this is sadly not the right book for you. Although entertaining, A Field Guide to High School lacks substance.
If you want a peacefully entertaining book to unwind with, look for A Field Guide to High School at your local bookstore.


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