Shipwreck by Gordon Korman | Teen Ink

Shipwreck by Gordon Korman

May 5, 2008
By Anonymous

Have you ever been in a life threatening situation? In the book the Island by Gordon Korman, six kids are stranded on an island from a shipwreck. Not only does one of the kids need medical help right away, but a few other surprises are found on the island as well.

All the kids work together, they help out in their own unique way. Luke is the castaway's leader, J.J has a rich movie star dad, Charla is very athletic, Ian is smart from watching the discovery channel, and Lyssa and Will are brother and sister.

Throughout the whole book it is exciting and suspenseful to see what will happen next. His book is realistic fiction; I would recommend this book to any kid boy or girl who likes thrilling adventure books. This book is book three of the series by Gordon Korman. Gordon Korman does a great job leaving the reader wonder what will happen next through out the book. Once I picked the book up I couldn't put it down; I felt this book was very entertaining. Overall this book taught me not give up even in bad situations. I felt like I knew the characters very well and felt like I was right in the book with them in their situation.


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