matched by ally condie | Teen Ink

matched by ally condie

May 26, 2011
By ChaimaaM. BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
ChaimaaM. BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
2 articles 9 photos 1 comment


Which Match?

How would it feel if your life was set out for you? What you ate, what you watch, what you play, who you married, even when you DIE! Well that’s how it is in Cassia world. Set in the future Matched by Ally Condie is the greatest book to hit the shelves since the twilight saga. Full of romance, mysteries, and betrayal this edgy but heart felt book would have you on the edge of your seat begging for more. You’ll fall in love will cassia’s strong but beautiful character and her willingness to sacrifice every thing for her true love.
Cassia being one to over analyze and question everything falls into a problem when something goes wrong with her microchip. Should she look for an answer or just forget about it just like the Officials told her to? But no! She doesn’t and so questions start to emerge about the society and what’s really going on behind closed doors. But during her journey to find out, Cassia gets closer to an old friend that comes back and not her match Xander. And now Cassia has too choose between Xander, someone she has so much history with, her best friend that’s been by side forever, or a new mysteries boy, Ky who no one knows anything about.
Ally Condie does a great job empathizing the love triangle between Cassia, Ky, and Xander. The way Cassia feels so passionate about both Xander and Ky and how she can’t bear to break their hearts. Condie helps you imagine al the drama and excitement just as if you’re standing in said the book with the characters. The book is one will never forget, with Cassia’s determination to find out the truth about her city and just what their really hiding from the people. But the part that will keep you locked is the spark that’s between Ky and Cassia.
This riveting young adult novel will have you sucked in and wanting more!

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jul. 7 2011 at 4:43 pm
ChaimaaM. BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
2 articles 9 photos 1 comment
haha..thanks tinabeana24!

on Jul. 7 2011 at 4:08 pm
tinabeana24 GOLD, Cambridge, Massachusetts
10 articles 0 photos 6 comments
Dear chaimaa you deciribed this book well lol you did a good job :)