Also Known As Harper. | Teen Ink

Also Known As Harper.

April 28, 2011
By Anonymous

Also Known As Harper is a fictional read. It is about a teenage girl named Harper who has to stay home and watch her little brother, Haywood. She has to babysit Haywood while her mom is at work. While Harper is babysitting, she writes poems and short stories. Her family is very poor and can't pay rent at the apartment complex they live at. They get kicked out and have to live at a hotel. While the mother is working to pay for the motel fees, Harper and Haywood are very low on food and energy. Harper was looking at a newspaper one day and saw a writing contest that she could win $5,000 if she won. Harper thought about it and decided she would try it just for her mom. She wrote and wrote, day after day, until she found the perfect piece to submit. The judges were very picky about what she had wrote about. The results were finally in and Harper had won. She gave her mom the money she had won and her mom quit her full time job and got a part time job.


This article has 1 comment.

O'Nealy13 said...
on Oct. 9 2011 at 2:48 pm
I Love this Book so much that is has made me relize that we need to help the poor instead of being rude and juding them beacause they are differnet. Since I have read this book i have been able to go out and help people on the streets and me.