The Bride's Price | Teen Ink

The Bride's Price

December 6, 2007
By Anonymous

Should I Really Have To Read This For School?

Is History one of your favorite topics? Do you like reading books about other countries’ ways? Maybe you enjoy reading, or you simply read the “Summer Books” because if not you are going to fail your first test of the year. Teachers may be all over you making you take “Pop” quizzes and have class discussions about the book, so maybe you should DEFINITELY read it. Why is it called Choice Book if you cannot even choose if you want to read it or not? Well I know the answer, you have a list of books that you can choose from, but they are all the same at the end. This book was the same as the books last year, always something tragic happens, there can never be a book without murder, or death. Why can’t they write about butterflies? NO, it always have to have suffering included, and that’s what most of our school books are all about.

The Bride’s Price was as horrible as all the other school books they make the students read. If you liked reading “Clan of the Cave Bear”, that was due over the summer for history class, then ANY book will seem interesting. I guess if you are into culture then you might like it. I personally hated it, I mean I have learned about their culture now from reading it, but I definitely prefer reading The A-List. So you really have to learn around 50 names which you can’t even read or say out loud. Don’t worry the story will definitely will NOT be spoiled in this essay, just because I want you to read it like I did. It mainly takes place in the city of Largos, our main character Akunna struggles though loss in the family, getting married, running away, and moving. There are many other things that go on the story but those you can read for your next summer test.

At the start the story is depressing; it truly shows how harsh some cultures are. The main and most obvious point of the novel is that women and men are standing completely unbalanced in the fairness scale. Women are not allowed to be educated, in the book there is only one child that get to obtain an education and that is until she gets married around the age of 14. Men are they most powerful, women work for them and they are allowed to have as many wives as they can support. Akunna’s mother, Ma Blackie got married to Okonkwo after his husband died, which is a great example of how powerful men where during this era and in their culture. This division is horrible and seems extremely unfair in ever way. So if you are extremely chauvinist you would love this book, but if you are feminist the advice is to drop the book now and pick up Memories of Geisha.


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