Dreamland by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

Dreamland by Sarah Dessen

April 19, 2010
By CElizabeth BRONZE, Hinton, West Virginia
CElizabeth BRONZE, Hinton, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The famous author, Sarah Dessen, has written many award winning books. This book, Dreamland, is different from the other various books she has written. The other boks are all sweet, love stories, however, this one is a love story but has an interesting twist. The story takes place in Jackson, near Perkins Day, which is a small town. There is no exact date but it starts at the beginning of the school year, so around November is where the majority of it is placed.

Caitlin is the main female character in the story. Her boyfriend, Rogerson Biscoe, is the lead male character. In the story, Caitlin has parents, and a sister who has ranaway with her boyfriend. She also has wacky neighbors, Boo and Stewart, who she has known since she was three years old. Rina, has a small role at the beginning of the story, but as the book continues, her role grows bigger. Rina helps Caitlin with her family problems. All the characters are always trying to help Caitlin solve her problem about missing her sister too much and, most importantly, they help her get through her boyfriend’s issues that are rubbing off on her.

The author makes the problem in the story unclear at first. First, you think that the problem is Cass, Caitlin’s sister, has run away and left Caitlin alone in this crazy world. As the book progresses, the problem is coming from Rogerson. Then the side problem becomes clear that the side problem is the one with Cass running away.

I believe the moral of this story is recognized by Caitlin. The moral is that Caitlin learns to watch out for strange people because you never know what they may do, especially boys. She also learn that you can’t always trust everyone that you meet. Caitlin finds out what happens when you trust someone that you don’t know. The writer also describes that life isn’t easy and you can’t take back your mistakes, live with your bad decisions.

This book was amazing! The dialogue was simple but made everything clear to the readers mind by going into very good detail. The setup, the characters, and the plot was different but wonderful. It was an interestign story with an astounding twist. I recommend this book to teens and young adults.


This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 29 2011 at 2:27 pm
peace_love_beauty PLATINUM, Florien, Louisiana
22 articles 35 photos 121 comments

Favorite Quote:
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Psalms 23:4

I love love love this book! Out of the six books of Sarah Dessen's, this one is my favorite (not to mention the first book of her's I read!) I think you did this book justice in this review. I've also read The Truth About Forever, Just Listen, Along for the Ride, Keeping the Moon, and Someone Like You. I'm currently trying to get ahold of This Lullaby but it seems no library around here has it =P Anyways, I love this author and everything she's written.