Click Here by Denise Vega | Teen Ink

Click Here by Denise Vega

March 1, 2010
By Sophia. BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Sophia. BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You have an online private web page, kind of like an online diary, where you write down every inner thought and action. One day you find yourself looking at a CD saying “MBMS homepage” when it should be saying “Erins private diary blog”. You realize that you had just handed in your CD version of a diary instead of the school’s homepage. Now everyone will know what you think of them, when it comes to the good and the really bad. This is just a small snap shot of how Erin Swift gets herself in trouble. Click Here by Denise Vega, a funny story about an average 12 year old girl, is a must read book for all.

In my opinion the main character, Erin Swift, was very realistic. Everything about her screams “out average 7th grader”. She went through hard times, but in the process she almost lost the closest people to her. Her best friends and crush are Mark, Rosie, and Jilly. When they had saw what she had said about them they reacted the way anyone would, sad and disappointed. When you read this book you will feel like a character in the book.

When reading any book, doesn’t the format seem to be all the same? Page after page filled with nothing new. The author of click here, Denise Vega, opens you up to a different writing style. A writing style filled with detail, and emotion. Although many books have this, hers has a little twist. Instead of telling you what Erin wrote on her blog, she shows it to you through out the book. This makes you fell truly connected in everything Erin is involved in. those are just some things about Denise Vega writing style that I love and admire about her.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes detail, realistic characters, and a great writing style. This can also be for a person in middle school because they will be able to relate to Erin, and what Erin goes through throughout the book. This book has unique writing style, so for someone bored of the same old format, this book will be a splash of something new.

In conclusion, Click Here is a book filled with detailed characters, a great plot, and the problems Erin goes through are followed by suspense. So you are going step by step into hr life. Go out and pick up a copy of Click Here, you will fall in love with the characters, and claim it as your new favorite book.


This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 6 2010 at 9:45 am
Ladekeye BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 15 comments
Sophia after all the times you wouldnt let me read it, now i DID ! and i luv it , can i please borrow it now !