Makes Me Wanna Holler by Nathan McCall | Teen Ink

Makes Me Wanna Holler by Nathan McCall MAG

By Anonymous

   Makes Me Wanna Holler is a book that captures the essence of growing up ina world that is focused more on one's skin color than one's character. Mr. McCallwastes no time in letting us see how his life was heading toward destruction,only to get worse before getting better.

Nathan McCall is a young boy whois taken in by the gangbanger lifestyle. He loses his direction in life when hearrives at W.E. Waters, an all-black school, after being transferred from anall-white school where he wasn't welcome. During his time at W.E. Waters, Mr.McCall begins to travel down the wrong road. Life becomes more serious for theyoung African-American when he is sentanced to twelve years in jail for armed robbery. Thepressure of being locked up and watching time move slower than molassesultimately make Nathan look over his life and he decides it's finally time for achange. When he's released from jail, Nathan can either sink or swim as he triesto regain his position as a father and a human being.

Although 416 pages,I strongly recommend this book to anyone who loves reading biographies. Iparticularly encourage all young black males to read this book, so they can get apreview of the lifestyle of an African-American who has already been through whatthey should expect to cross their paths in the long journey of life. Makes MeWanna Holler will have you at the edge of your seat from page to page, making youanxious to see what's going to happen next. Pick up your copy today and see if itdoesn't make you wanna holler


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i love this !