Book Review #3 | Teen Ink

Book Review #3

January 25, 2010
By Anonymous

For my Book Review #3 I chose to read Leon’s Story by Susan L. Roth. This book is from the African American genre and its copyright date is 1997.

In Leon’s Story I thought that the author gave good details about Leon’s life story. I would recommend this book to Middle School students who are interested in history on the topic of slavery. leon’s life story is sad, but interesting to know how they were really treated from an actual African American’s perspective. I wouldn’t recommend this book to students who don’t want to read about an actual event and who would rather read a comedy, or drama book. Overall, the book is good and I liked how realistic it was.

Some reasons why i think this book is good for Middle School students id because it is very informative and gives kids the real effect on how it really was back the in the real world. It is good for them also if they are interested in history and slavery. It may not be good for a student who isn’t interested in how things were back then, then they might find it boring.

In conclusion, I think that Leon’s Story is a great book and the author does a good job explaining Leon Walter Tillages life story and i do recommend it for Middle School Students.


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