The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket | Teen Ink

The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket

January 22, 2010
By Destini BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
Destini BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Bad Beginning is an unfortunate, unpleasant, book series that will have your heart melt when you hear the story. Lemony Snicket gets down and grimy with details that would have you weeping. If you like misfortune, and wicked stories, then I would greatly recommend this book. With the details, the author show themes like hope.

The Bad Beginning is a suspenseful story about three children (Violet, Sunny, Klaus Baudelaire) whose parents died in a fire recently. Now the three children are parentless and have to go live with their “Uncle,” Count Olaf. Olaf is greedy and only out to get the Baudelaire’s fortune, there parents left for them. He is evil in spirit and mind. He makes the three children, even baby Sunny do work and chores around the house. Since Violet is in control of the fortune, Olaf isn’t able to have it for himself. He goes to drastic measures just to get what he wants, even if it means tricking, lying, and hurting the kids. Is he able to trick the justice into letting him marrying Violet? Or can Sunny and Klaus save their sister from a mistake?

This is a spooky book, and it’s not a Halloween book! There are many twists and devilish plotting to increase the reader’s attention. I think this is a terrific novel for many readers around the nation.


This article has 1 comment.

Brandeny said...
on Nov. 22 2011 at 12:30 pm
im the first to commemt................. i like the book but i like the second book better