You and me - Three metres below the sky - my opinion about the book written by Federico Moccia, an I | Teen Ink

You and me - Three metres below the sky - my opinion about the book written by Federico Moccia, an I

December 28, 2009
By EnglishGirl BRONZE, Sopot, Other
EnglishGirl BRONZE, Sopot, Other
4 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I will tell you,as I have told many of them,right man will come in the end", Jane Austen, "Life is your party, so enjoy!", "It's worse doing nothing, than doing bad thing", "Life is the thing that happens to you while you're planning something else"

My first critical review I will focus to Federico Moccia's works. Let's start from a height of three meters. He is the first Italian writer whose books I have ever read. First work that inspires me to give some my opinion. First work that makes me think, which world do we really live in? for me, this is a fantastic, amazing, realistic story, which will leave nobody indifferent. It's the first book that actually, in the end, made me cry, after "Marley and Me".
In the beginning, while I was reading Moccia's short biography on the covers, I was quite surprised seeing that he has written only three novels! And, then, I was surprised because of the same thing, but this time because of high quality and great way of writing. Used to read American "lemonades", "easy" books, it was real refreshment that someone really "came back" to teenage days which I was feeling in every single page which I was voraciously reading. A completely new feeling, at least for me, when, while I'm reading, I'm feeling like I'm part of that people's life. Step, Babi, Polo, Paola and others became my friends. I felt wind in my hair while Step was driving motorcycle in incredible speed and Babi was behind him tightly stretched. Description better than 3D technology! Sincere friendship, happiness, anger, tears, pain, and occasional night regrets described in about three hundred pages. Love and passion all at once. That friendship, with no betrayal, when man would do everything for his friend. And that man, who would be able to show that "everything" not only telling it, but doing. He moved relations from, it seems some long time ago, to nowadays, the things that we would say they are old and not fashionable he showed us that they are, actually, modern. All writers, who became "artists" over night thaks to "lemonades" he outdid establishing new model of modern writing. He restored me faith in Mr. Perfect and that romance hasn't disappeared yet. At least, not at all. I'm thinking of that if we are really living such an urban life that made us forget about the prince on white horse? Have we forgotten what does it mean to love and what is love? Are we able to appreciate the sacrifice that others make because they love us? Are we able to return back love or we have already become so egocentric that we have forgotten the existance of all around us? And one more thing that is on my mind while I'm writing this: Is that new technology by which, by the way, I'm communicating with you, did it made us blind so much that made our minds unable to develop our creativity? Remember last time when you sent a letter to the person you love never mind if he or she lives in the neighborhood, in the room next to yours or in some foreign country. When did you send him or her letter and when mail or SMS? And that thing occupies my mind while Step's message for Babi is still blinking in front of my eyes: "You and me, three metres, three metres below the sky".


This article has 2 comments.

on Jul. 12 2010 at 5:28 am
EnglishGirl BRONZE, Sopot, Other
4 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I will tell you,as I have told many of them,right man will come in the end", Jane Austen, "Life is your party, so enjoy!", "It's worse doing nothing, than doing bad thing", "Life is the thing that happens to you while you're planning something else"

Well, I'm not from the US and I'm trying to write in Britain English, that might be the reason why you can't understand me properly...

on Jul. 11 2010 at 8:09 pm
sunnyhunny PLATINUM, Litchfield, New Hampshire
22 articles 3 photos 329 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.&quot;<br /> -Ghandi

I think that you did a great job addressing this novel's powerful effect on you, but you could make this piece a bit more "readable".  You used a lot of run-on sentences and sentence fragments that made your intelligent way of speaking sound a little like rambling.  EX:  Remember last time when you sent a letter to the person you love never mind if he or she lives in the neighborhood, in the room next to yours or in some foreign country

The bold section sounds like rambling because the sentence is not pieced together well with proper punctuation. You have a different wasy of spelling some words, though, which leads me to believe that you might not be from the U.S.  That might explain some of my trouble understanding your sentence structure.