The Faerie Path | Teen Ink

The Faerie Path

December 14, 2009
By Shelbi. BRONZE, New Albany, Indiana
Shelbi. BRONZE, New Albany, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I first saw that I had to read a fantasy book for English I wasn’t excited at all. I thought fantasy had all the little dragons and blood sucking vampires in them. I thought that there were only those types of creatures in the book, but it turns out that there are many more things to the fantasy genre. The Faerie Path, by Frewin Jones, really opened my eyes to fantasy books. She showed me that there aren’t always magic and wizards but much more! In this exciting book she shows that there can be two worlds that one certain princess out of seven has the power to walk from the mortal world to the immortal world which is the faerie realm.

The Faerie Path is a book any teen would love to read if they were interested in long journeys with very many hardships or problems the characters have to overcome by using their heart and mind. This book shows you the true love of family and if one person goes missing, they all are covered in sadness, especially the while kingdom in the book. This book keeps you on your toes the whole time with its many crazy adventures and some chaotic and beautiful sisters that do some things that would surprise you also instead of just the characters.

Anita Palmer is an ordinary British girl from London who soon finds out who she really is. She gets in a boat wreck with her boyfriend, Evan, who she soon also finds out who really was also. She travels into the immortal world known as the Faerie Realm, where she finds out who she is, Princess Tania, daughter of King Oberon and Queen Titania. Anita (Princess Tania) truly inspires me. Not only is she head strong, but she knows what she wants and she fights for it. She doesn’t like liars at all and when she finds out who Evan really is she doesn’t want to talk to him ever again, but later in the book you see what really happens, you read the truth. She comes into the realm not remembering anything about her past. She thought Faerie was just a dream, but she soon finds out that it isn’t and that Faerie is her true home, not that mortal world where she had left many of her family and friends behind that knew nothing of where she was.

In my own honest opinion, this was one of the best books I have ever read. The Faerie Path is full of adventures that force you to read what happens next. You keep reading and readings until your read it all without thinking twice about it. Frewin Jones does an excellent job in writing this book. She opened my mind to read more than the normal genres I usually read like romance and nonfiction.

“One alone will walk both worlds, daughter last of daughters seven, with her true love by her side, honest hand in true love given.” This quote plays a major role in this book. The quote helps Princess Tania to overcome many events that is important to her, her family, and the whole Faerie Realm. The end of the quote, “With her true love by her side, honest hand in true love given,” is what helps Princess Tania overcome a huge problem at the end of the story that could have resulted very badly. When Princess Tania finally returned to her rightful family five hundred years after she disappeared, she pretty much saved all of Faerie from a guy who she thought was a very close friend or mate of her.
This book fits into the fantasy genre because of Anita/Princess Tania can travel from the mortal world to the immortal world with a step to the side. This books contains fairies, magic, and there being a mortal and immortal world. All the seven daughters have their own special magic they discover when they get older, Princess Tania being the one to have the power to go to both of the worlds.

I would definitely recommend young teens reading this book. If one of them has never read a fantasy book then I encourage them to go out of their box and read The Faerie Path. This book definitely has suspense, and will make you actually think about it when you are not reading. When I would stop reading the book, I would always seem to predict what was going to happen next without of even knowing I was doing it. I really enjoyed this awesome and adventurous book. I am going to read the other four books in the series so I can find out what happens next. Teens should definitely go out of their comfort box and read this amazing book, I know I did and I loved every minute of it.


This article has 2 comments.

Je'Naib said...
on Nov. 15 2012 at 2:37 pm
Would have never guesses.

Venus18 BRONZE said...
on Jun. 6 2011 at 5:49 pm
Venus18 BRONZE, Dallas, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments
This was a good review! I just thought I should point out for future referance that Frewin Jones isn't a she, but a he. His full name is Allen Frewin Jones. Other then that great job, I really liked it!