Fahrenheit 451 | Teen Ink

Fahrenheit 451

September 13, 2023
By Andrewhan11 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
Andrewhan11 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
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What do you think life would be like without thought? What if the government was in control of everyone’s mind, and nobody had the right to have his own opinion? That is exactly what society is like in the novel Fahrenheit 451 by the famous American writer Ray Bradbury. Although many people say that this is an imaginary society, I think that Ray Bradbury tried to give us a warning about our future. Published in 1953, its relevance has only grown with time, making it a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers across generations.

The story takes place in a future where books are forbidden, and special "firemen" burn any books they find. The main character is one of those firemen named Guy Montag, who starts to wonder why he's burning books in a society that doesn't value thinking deeply. Bradbury uses strong and detailed writing to show how the world is pretty gloomy because people aren't allowed to think critically, and technology is used to keep everyone from thinking too much. In Fahrenheit 451, Mildred, Guy Montag's wife, symbolizes a society controlled by screens and government. Immersed in mindless entertainment, she forgets memories and emotions, highlighting the dangers of conformity and loss of individuality. On the other hand, people like Clarisse and the English professor Faber represent a part of society who still try to have their own opinion and always oppose government control. And we as readers who see the consequences of the future in this novel, should always stay in this group. 

In my opinion, even though Bradbury brings the level to extreme, Fahrenheit 451 still describes today’s society. Countries try to control people’s opinions, showing them only what the government wants them to see. And in this novel, books resemble people’s own unique thoughts that might not match with governments. That’s exactly why the government has those firemen who try to destroy books, destroy opinions. It’s insightful how the author brings the consequences to extremes, because it really motivates us, the readers, to keep fighting to have our own thoughts. Fahrenheit 451 is like a wake-up call, telling us to pay attention and think about things differently. It wants us to not just accept how things are but to ask questions and understand why. The author, Bradbury, is telling us that it's really important to care about books and thinking deeply. He's also warning us that if we focus too much on unimportant stuff and forget our past, it's not good for our society. This message is still super important now, just like it was when the book was written. Ironically, nowadays we don’t value books enough, often trying to avoid reading them. Perhaps, another message we can take from the book is to value books more as well.

In conclusion, Fahrenheit 451 is an amazing novel which attracts the readers with its strong ideas and interesting characters. Bradbury's idea of a future where people aren't allowed to know things and can't be themselves is a sad reminder that our freedoms can be delicate. This book isn’t just an interesting story — it is a timeless warning on the dangers of intellectual apathy.


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