The Picture of Dorian Gray--The fallen soul | Teen Ink

The Picture of Dorian Gray--The fallen soul

June 25, 2023
By Amelia_YIng BRONZE, Irvine, California
Amelia_YIng BRONZE, Irvine, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Picture of Dorian Gray:

 "When you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.“


Step into the eerie and mesmerizing world of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, where a young man's portrait becomes a haunting reflection of his hidden sins and indulgent lifestyle. Wilde's exquisite prose, sharp wit, and exploration of aestheticism make this novel a captivating masterpiece that continues to captivate readers to this day.



 The Picture of Dorian Gray narrates the narrative of Dorian Gray, a young, incredibly gorgeous man who gets obsessed with his own youth and beauty. When a talented artist named Basil Hallward paints his portrait, Dorian makes a bargain: he wishes to remain eternally young while the painting ages and bears the weight of his sins. As Dorian indulges in a life of hedonism and immorality, the portrait grotesquely depicts the true consequences of his actions, driving him further down a path of corruption and self-destruction.



Oscar Wilde, a prominent figure in late 19th-century literature, was an Irish playwright, novelist, and poet. Known for his wit, flamboyant style, and social commentary, Wilde was a key proponent of aestheticism—an art movement that emphasized "art for art's sake" and the pursuit of beauty above all. The Picture of Dorian Gray, published in 1890, caused controversy due to its exploration of hedonism, morality, and the duplicity of human nature.  The changeful, selfish and cruel nature of human nature is clearly expressed in this novel. The language in this novel is gorgeous, and the dialogue between the characters is full of dramatic beauty and philosophy. In addition, the novel falls into the category of Gothic fiction, with elements of psychological thriller, supernatural power, and moral allegory.


The Picture of Dorian Gray stands as a timeless work of literature. One of the most striking aspects of the novel is Wilde's use of language and intention to convey his ideas. Filled with memorable quotes and epigrams that capture the essence of his thinking, the novel is also a masterful exploration of the human psyche. Such as “it is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances ”、“The artist is creator of beautiful things”.

Furthermore, Wilde's uses Dorian's portrait to represent his gradually depraving soul, and this supernatural power adds a mysterious and scary atmosphere to the novel.

The portrait of Dorian Gray serves as a powerful symbol, representing the degradation of his moral character. At the beginning of the novel, the portrait captures Dorian's youth and innocence. However, as Dorian's immoral actions increase, the portrait begins to reflect the corruption of his soul. The disfigurement and decay portrayed in the painting parallel Dorian's hidden sins and growing guilt. For example, when Dorian cruelly rejects Sibyl Vane, the actress he once loved, the portrait reveals a sneer of cruelty and a touch of madness. This symbolic connection between Dorian's actions and moral corruption,which leaves an indelible mark on the soul. Therefore, the portrait is highly symbolic, mysteriously recording Dorian's crimes in real life and his moral decline.


"The Picture of Dorian Gray" incorporates supernatural elements that blur the boundaries between reality and the spiritual realm. The portrait itself seems to possess a mystical quality, as it not only captures Dorian's external appearance but also reflects the state of his soul. The painting acts as a mirror that reveals the innermost secrets and desires of Dorian, reminding readers of the age-old belief that one's true self can be glimpsed in their portrait or reflection. This supernatural aspect adds

the novel a gothic atmosphere, with its haunting imagery and suspenseful plot twists, creates an immersive reading experience. The tension adds a layer of depth and intrigue to the story.



In short, Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray captivates readers with its gorgeous language, sharp wit and exploration of beauty, morality and the depths of the human psyche. In addition, the novel's Gothic elements, supernatural forces and moral allegories create a haunting atmosphere that makes it an unforgettable masterpiece.


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