In Cold Blood Book Review | Teen Ink

In Cold Blood Book Review

December 1, 2022
By matthewronge BRONZE, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
matthewronge BRONZE, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
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Written by Truman Capote, In Cold Blood is based on a true story in which a family of Holcomb Kansas was brutally murdered for no apparent reason.  No one knew who killed them or why they were killed.  The way Truman Capote wrote this novel was very interesting.  He wrote it with dialogue between all the characters including both the family and the murderers.  He spent years researching this case in order to make sense of the case that made no sense.  Instead of writing the book as a documentary he turned it into a captivating story that drags you in and won’t let you leave.  Seeing the dialogue between the characters really kept me engaged and involved in the book.  It made it more interesting and made me feel like I was there with Dick and Perry.  One thing I wish Capote did was go into more detail of the Clutter’s lives.  The title of the book is what led me to pick it up in the first place.  It is short and vague but also interesting and mysterious. 

The story gives us an understanding of the Clutter family and shows us a little of their lives both before and after they were murdered.  The majority of the book focuses on the murderers, Richard (Dick) Hickok and Perry Smith.  Both men were poor and met in prison where they were both doing time for petty crimes.  When Dick was sick of disappointing his father and wanted to be able to retire him he called Perry in order to execute a robbery.  

They decided the Clutter family was perfect.  There was one problem.  The Clutters were not rich.  When all was said and done they walked away with $43.  The rest of the book puts us in Dick’s and Perry's heads as they evade police for as long as they can and during their trial. I really enjoyed this book because even though it was based on a true story it didn’t feel like it was a documentation of the crime but like an episode of Criminal Minds.  I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a fascinating and thrilling book.

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