To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before  | Teen Ink

To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before 

January 21, 2022
By Anonymous

“To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before” in my opinion is an amazing read that can apply and relate to many readers' lives. This book was written by Jenny Han who is a very well-known author who mainly writes for teens and young adults but I think her books could be interesting to older readers. 

If you are the type of person who likes to read romantic books that keep you guessing and on the edge of your seat then this book is for you. To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before is the type of book that you can’t put down once you start reading it. I’m the type of person who isn’t a big fan of reading and it’s really hard for a book to grab my attention and pull me in but ever since I've read this book I can’t stop. I even bought the whole series. If that isn’t enough information to get you hooked then let me start by explaining the plot and characters. This story is told in first person and starts with a close-knit family who lives in Virginia, there are 4 people in this family: the main character and the storyteller Laura Jean Covey, Margot the older sister, Kitty the youngest sister, and then their dad Dan. Margot goes off to college at the beginning of the story which is very hard for Laura because their mom recently passed and she is now the oldest girl in the house. Laura Jean then has to cope with all her private love letters being sent out to all her crushes without the advice of her older sister telling her how to handle it. In the prolog, Laura explains that she writes love letters to boys in her life that she has fallen in love with as a way to help her get over them: after she writes her feelings down she feels she can move on but she doesn’t ever intend to send the letters. Of course, the letters end up getting sent out and she has to deal with all the consequences that come with it. 5 letters in total get sent out including a letter to her sister's recently ex-boyfriend and one to the most popular boy in school. This story is full of unexpected love and excitement that won’t fail to keep you on your toes. “ To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before” isn’t just a cheesy romantic story, it’s also a relatable book that doesn’t make you feel alone with hard life lessons everyone goes through. If all of that isn’t making head to your nearest library to check this book out then just to add a cherry on top the book was also made into a movie that I recommend to most definitely watch but after finishing the book. I know I know you probably want to hear more about the story but now that's up to you so, In conclusion, this book is a must-read for romance lovers, excitement enthusiasts, and the most awesome people ever. 

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