Eggs by Jerry Spinelli | Teen Ink

Eggs by Jerry Spinelli

June 8, 2009
By Anonymous

The way Jerry Spinelli developed the friendship of David and Primrose in the novel Eggs was comforting and exciting because you would never know if they were friends or not. The story starts out in a scene of an Easter egg hunt, where nine year old David is forced to hunt Easter eggs, and hopefully make friends. David, as an uncaring child doesn't want to hunt Easter eggs, but his grandmother forces him to. At the time, David was living with his grandmother because his mother died and his father was to busy to take care of him. David unwillingly hunted for eggs and than as a curious child, he found Primrose.

Primrose lives in a car as a house. Her mother is a psycho psychic. At the age of thirteen, you wouldn't think a teenager had to deal with all of these things. Primrose did and when David found her lying in leaves in an Easter egg hunt, you wouldn't think they would become friends. If you really think about it, a sad little nine year old that hates his grandmother, and a rebellious thirteen year old who moved out of her own home because of her crazy mother don't really mix. In this twisted story, they do.

That's why I love Eggs, David and Primrose's “friendship” is exciting to me, it might not be a page turning suspenseful novel, but it is real and true. It is very unexpected and unique that the book has a theme of where Primrose and David try to fill in what they have missing in their lives throughout the book. It's also interesting to see David perception in this book. His feelings and emotions are different than a regular nine year old, since he has dealt through more sad tragedies than a lifetime.

Refrigerator John was a kind, sweet character in the book. John lived down the street from Primrose and Primrose and David would go to John's house all the time during their trash picking nights when David had to sneak out. How Refrigerator John got his name is because his house was stalked with the Mango Madness, Primrose and David's favorite drink. John would always try to figure out why Primrose and David were friends, because they were constantly fighting, but would always come back to his house. John had always been kind to both, he gave both of them a job once, catching night crawlers. The idea didn't work out so well.

David and Primrose were always fighting, than one day in the middle of when David and Primrose were apart and not talking, Primrose decided to go to David's house. She decided they were going to run away. They walked to the nearby railroad, and were arguing. I believe Primrose had planned to go to the big city. Not even caring that his grandmother was worrying at home, he goes with Primrose. They survive on a few donut holes and a bottle of Mango Madness. Do they come back home? Do they finish their journey? Try to frustratingly read the book Eggs. Primrose and David try to fill in what they have missing in their lives.


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Ashlynn said...
on Oct. 11 2017 at 8:59 pm
Great book but wish that we knew more about Primroses father.