Chinese Cinderella | Teen Ink

Chinese Cinderella

May 29, 2009
By Michelle Yang BRONZE, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
Michelle Yang BRONZE, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Chinese Cinderella

I really enjoyed Adeline Yen Mah’s Chinese Cinderella, which was published in 1999 by Dell Laurel – Leaf. This book is categorized under autobiography. I liked this book for the relationships shown and the determination and love that the reader extracts from the reading. Those items unconsciously make the reader want to continue until he reaches the last page.
I liked Chinese Cinderella for its many relationships represented. First, not only do you get the good relationships, but you also get the bad ones. The good relationships are between Mah, her Aunt Baba,and Third Brother; whereas the bad relationships are the ones between Mah and her stepmother. Out of the good relationships, Mah and her aunt are the closest. I liked how Aunt Baba treated Mah like her own child, since Mah’s own stepmother didn’t care for her at all. For instance, on page 134 when Mah is away from home, the only person to write to her is Aunt Baba. The bond of Mah and her stepmother is like that of a mouse trap and a mouse. Mah wants to get closer with her stepmom, but every time she tries her mother pushes her away. I think this is sad because Mah’s stepmother only hates her for being the “Cursed One,” being the one who caused her biological mother’s death at childbirth. The stepmother’s dislike for Mah is visible when she sent only Mah to boarding school in the city, with a war going on, while her siblings received home school education. The two relationships show you who Mah can trust and who she relies on the most, therefore I really liked how these were apparent topics in the book.
I also liked this book for the determination in Mah’s heart, never giving up. Mah has always been a determined person. For example, when her parents told her to stop writing, which is one of her hobbies, Mah continued and entered writing contests without their consent. After being rejected many times, she finally won first place. Not only does this show that Mah never gives up, but the event proved to her parents that she could do just as well as the boys in the family. And when Mah walked home from school one day and became lost, she continued, sure that she would come upon a familiar setting. It took her father’s friend, who had noticed her passing by many times, to get her to cease her determined walk.

And lastly, I liked this book for the love and affection Mah has gained throughout. Even though none of her siblings liked her, Mah and Third Brother had a fairly good relationship. For example, after the death of Mah’s duckling, Third Brother participated in the funeral with Mah. The two children and Aunt Baba were the only ones present at the small event. The bond between Mah and Third Brother grew strongly over the years, and Third Brother became the only person Mah could trust within the immediate family. When their parents wouldn’t allow Mah to attend college, Third Brother was the one to convince them to change their minds.

In conclusion, I’d highly recommend Adeline Yen Mah’s Chinese Cinderella to all readers for its relationships represented, the willpower in Mah, and the love expressed between characters within the book. The reader can gain a lot of insight in the true story of an unwanted child. This includes the hardships and wonderful times of the author’s life growing up in China.
relationships shown and the determination and love that the reader extracts from the reading. Those items unconsciously make you continue reading this interesting book.


This article has 1 comment.

PK4evr ELITE said...
on Jun. 11 2009 at 5:30 pm
PK4evr ELITE, Allen, Texas
105 articles 5 photos 107 comments

Favorite Quote:
When life gives you lemons, make grape juice, then watch everyone wonder how you did it!

Aw, I loved this book... but it's so sad...