Review of A Star Is Born | Teen Ink

Review of A Star Is Born

May 27, 2019
By alesia-golja BRONZE, Tirana, Other
alesia-golja BRONZE, Tirana, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts."

A Star Is Born is a movie with many emotions that came out in 2018. A movie that you can not watch without crying. In the beginning it will not seem that interesting but little by little you will start to like it more and more. Everyone can watch this movie because it really gets in your feeling and everyone will enjoy watching it. This movie represents love and how powerful it can be sometimes. Also how fast it can be destroyed.

Ally (played by Lady Gaga) is one of the most important characters in this movie. She was really talented in writing songs. Once she saw Jackson Maine (played by Bradley Cooper) and they started talking with each other. He was a really famous singer. When he saw her writings he was really surprised and really liked them. Jackson Maine invited Ally to one of his concerts because he wanted to surprize her and let her sing with him one of her songs. Jackson Maine helped Ally a lot in her career. Both of them were in love with each other but there was only one problem. Jackson Maine started to get drunk a lot and Ally couldn’t handle it. She won an oscar price and she wanted to thank everyone which made her dream come true, and one of them was Jackson. He was there but he was very drunk. He started to say many things that he shouldn't say. Ally was very embarrassed by him. Ally started to get really famous and that was one of the main reasons why Jackson started to drink again. He was losing all of his attention and also his wife. He couldn’t handle it so the best he could do was to get drunk. Every day they had many different fights. They felt that their career was destroying their love. They thought that everything was going to be so easy and that they could handle it for both of them to be singers and famous, but no. They couldn’t. Ally’s look was different and also her behavior was different from what she was in the beginning. They wanted their relationship to be like it was in the beginning but it was to hard for them to change it.

Many movies these days are made for love and when you find out that A Star Is Born is connected with love you might say what the difference of this movie with the other. Something that I really like and I think that is special are the songs that are in this movie. The songs that they use are actually played by the actors. The actual actors that are singing it are the ones that wrote the song. This movie also won the Oscars which means that everyone really likes this movie and that the movie is really good. I think this movie deserved the Oscar because the acting was really good and also everything about it was perfect. Of course this is my opinion because when I research for some reviews not all the people agree with me. If it is for me I would watch this movie over and over.


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