PJ's for Patients | Teen Ink

PJ's for Patients

December 5, 2014
By Tayvin Tyler SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Tayvin Tyler SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“PJ’s for Patients” by Athena Sofides is a really relatable and touching story.  I think it is well written because she tells many details about what she has done with the American Cancer Society.  I also think this article is also really touching to a person that knows someone who is fighting cancer right now.   “Athena’s Owl” sounds like a really neat idea, and it’s awesome that she got to sell her handmade jewelry and hats to people fighting cancer.  I also like the “PJ’s for Patients” organization.  It is a really neat idea that it has raised over $2,000 already!  The “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk” shows how everyone bands together to fight for this worldly cause.  I think the PJ’s for Patients is a good thing for these patients because they can still have fun in these PJ’s even if they are in a hospital. Athena tells about a 10 year old who wants to make a change in other people’s lives.  Athena states how this 10 year old wants to become someone who could help fight against cancer.  Athena has really touched many hearts by writing this article because she talks about all the things she has done to help cancer patients feel better.  Great article, Athena!

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