How the Sun Was Made | Teen Ink

How the Sun Was Made

November 24, 2008
By Anonymous

Once, a long, long time ago, the earth was always dark. But, one day… everything changed. Many people thought it was a shooting star. Now… everybody knows different.

This is how it occurred……………………………….

Once a long, long time ago, a woman in China was hanging her clothes on
the line to dry in her backyard like she d ay. Though it was dark, without the sun
the girl could see because it had been like this her whole life.

One night while she was doing this, the biggest star whizzed across the sky. Then, as suddenly as it started it stopped. For the first time ever, it was light.

Everyone who saw it thought it was a miracle. Even the old people thought it was a miracle. The only light they had seen was from fires, moon and stars.

Although everyone was grateful, they were also afraid it would leave at any time. That never happened unless it left and came back while they were sleeping.

And that’s how the sun became to be!!!

The End!!!!!

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on May. 3 2010 at 7:59 am
Andrew:)139864133432 SILVER, Grand Junction, Michigan
8 articles 0 photos 15 comments

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i dont have one

wow i really really like it. nice job

Mrs. V. said...
on Dec. 23 2008 at 4:11 am
Great job! Myths are fun to create and very interesting to read.