Learning to Love | Teen Ink

Learning to Love

January 16, 2014
By Hoolia SILVER, New York City, New York
Hoolia SILVER, New York City, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“My dad taught me all kinds of lessons…But, most importantly, by watching my dad, I learned to love others. By being loved, I learned to love. And that is the greatest lesson of all.” Learning to Love by Callie Storie has moved me. The emotion in her voice made me feel like I was standing beside her, watching her pour her heart out as she watched her daddy pass away. Storie, much like most Southern girls, “grew up as Daddy’s Girl, sitting on his shoulders with my little hands plastered on his bald head.” With the smell of French toast awakening her on Saturday mornings and her dad’s strong hands to pick her up after she fell off her bike, Storie describes her and her dad as inseparable. She goes on telling of how her dad was sent to the hospital in need of a life-death surgery. The next seventy-two hours were critical, and unfortunately, he didn’t make it. Storie never imagined life without her father-she never thought she would be reading his name off a gravestone. As heartbroken as she was, she became stronger from him. “You never know how much someone has impacted you until they are gone.” Through the lessons he’s taught Storie, from the difference of a chestnut-colored horse and a bay horse to learning how to lasso a patio chair, she understands that loving others is crucial. Learning to love, more importantly, was a greatest lesson of all.

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