Reflection | Teen Ink


December 11, 2013
By COODy BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
COODy BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the article “How to Write How To” they talk about confidence. Author’s name says it’s is not something you can go to the doctor and get tested for, but is something that others say you have. You must be comfortable and focused on it to not care what others think of you. Also they point out I don’t need and excess of confidence, but less of a certain trait. That trait is not caring what others think of you. In the beginning of the article the author states that you must fail in order to succeed and a great deal if possible. By fail I believe the author means instead of positive feedback you as the write receive criticism on the piece. From that criticism the write must create their best work. I feel like this statement is over used and the article could have done without it.

In the article “How to Write Great” they explain why writers use anticipation rather than surprise. Once I read about what they were talking about I thought to myself I didn’t even think of that but it makes sense. The writer wants to pull in the reader and get them to think and try and figure it out before it even happens.

In the article “How to Write” the author lists 11 rules of writing. In rule number one they hit the subject “show don’t tell”. They state that they are staying behind the show and tell. They aren’t clear on why they still look at it that way, but what I get out of it is that all hopeful writer puts their work out into the world and hopes that the editor will like their writing just as much as they do. Rule Number two, I feel like I can relate to this rule. They explain that you shouldn’t search for your subject but let it come to you. The problem with that is every teenage writer is writing for school and for a grade. Therefore rushed, and if an idea doesn’t come to you fast you’re late and fewer points will be awarded to you for the writing. Rule number four, they state “never use three words when one will do”. I was reminded about when in class we talked about using shorter sentences. I found out that it is more appealing to the reader if you write in shorter sentences. Rule number ten, revise, revise, revise. I guess that’s the secret to creating the perfect writing. If you have enough people look at it and make what little changes they can and put it all together you will get a piece that will most likely appeal to everyone.

The author's comments:
Reflection of an article i read

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