The Solitary | Teen Ink

The Solitary

October 17, 2013
By KatyaA GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
KatyaA GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The poem “The Solitary” by Jenica Jessen featured in the Teen Ink October issue was an eye opener. The poem was in the bullying category and touched on the subject of lonesome teenagers. In the poem were the actions of the lonesome teenagers. For instance, “…they eat quickly so they can go back into hiding in the pages of a book or behind a computer monitor” was a line depicting the general style of the writing in the poem.

I felt the poem was an eye opener because of the accurateness of how “the solitary” were being described. The words used in this poem, such as “hunch” made me wonder about the reality of what these students face in their everyday lives. This poem was also an enjoyment because of its story like structure. Each stanza was a description. The phrase “like a small wild animal” was constantly mentioned in the poem creating a positive repetitive feel.

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