Happy Endings | Teen Ink

Happy Endings

September 18, 2013
By Hoolia SILVER, New York City, New York
Hoolia SILVER, New York City, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine: Ten-thirty in the morning. The schoolwork disappears. Everyone stumbles out to the sizzling playground. Seems amazing right? Happy Endings is a cheerful poem reminding the readers of how much life used to be as a child. In the Torrey Henry’s writing, the narrator is excitedly looking forward to recess, where every single second belonged to them. The poem describes how the narrator’s creativity and ecstasy allowed he/she to be happy despite the scorching sun. Henry mentions several destinations in the playground that the narrator imagined. For example, the fourth stanza explains of a ship: “The playground’s platform was a pirate ship And it’s steps were the plank The rock-climbing wall was the center, the sail We climbed up to the tallest point and proclaimed “Land ho!” as we sailed through the wood chips. Our hands cupped around our eyes were binoculars, and they worked quite well”. Further on in the poem, Henry mentions of being the age of nine, where art was to capture the beauty of a single sun. At that time, there was truly “no sadness or despair. No darkness. No reality. Just flowers and butterflies, bright colors and smiles.”

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