Summer Fun | Teen Ink

Summer Fun

June 28, 2024
By elizabeth1091 BRONZE, Blauvelt, New York
elizabeth1091 BRONZE, Blauvelt, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In faith, there is enough light for those who want to believe, and enough shadows to blind those who don't"

Now that it’s summer, I thought I would share some of my favorite ways to have a blast during break. One of my favorite things to do is play miniature golf. Especially since the days are so much brighter and longer, it’s a perfect way to grab some vitamin D while also having a lot of fun. Personally, I enjoy grabbing a few of my friends and having a contest - where the winner of the game gets to pick where we go to grab food after. It's exciting and doesn't need as much concentration or seriousness as traditional golf. It's also budget-friendly and can really help rally people together. Although I think that after a while it can get repetitive, I would still really encourage trying out mini golf this summer. The game is really enjoyable and a short activity that still helps people get out there and move. Make sure to go outside this summer and be active. Swimming, volleyball, or even just taking walks in the nearby park are all some of my favorite ways to stay healthy and happy during the break. Another one of my favorite pastimes for the summer is reading. A book I’m obsessed with recently has been Whalefall by Daniel Kraus. It’s a thrilling book that both science-lovers and adventure-enthusiasts are guaranteed to enjoy. The main plot is basically about a young scuba diver who has been swallowed by a giant sperm whale while looking for his dead father's underwater remains. There’s a dash of horror and mature undertones but this has been one of my favorite books of the year. The only thing I think may keep people from reading it is if survival stories like this one aren’t something they like. The complexity with the alternating between past-and-present as well as concepts about loneliness and strength come together to provide a book that is very hard to put down. For a more lighthearted book, I also really enjoyed Tidesong by Wendy Xu. It’s a graphic novel with beautiful imagery - perfect for fans of Studio Ghibli and calm, soft illustrations. Especially since school is over I’ve definitely been getting back into graphic novels and comics. This heartwarming novel is about a young witch and how magic brings her together with a water dragon. It’s inspired by East Asian culture and includes ideas of friendship that are beautifully executed in a short work. I love how Xu uses magic and fantastical elements to emphasize a very real problem this young witch has and her journey to self-acceptance. I do wish the book would be longer though as it was quite simple but still truly remarkable. I highly recommend it for fantasy lovers who also greatly appreciate art. These are just a few of my favorite pastimes for this summer, and I’m so excited to discover and take part in more. One of my biggest recommendations especially is to just make sure to have fun, to not waste the summer away but truly make the most of it. Whether you find fun in hiking outside or playing indoor board games with your family, take time for yourself to find what makes you smile so that this break will be genuinely memorable.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece because these are a few activities I've really enjoyed so far in the summer. I really hope sharing them with others will help both encourage people to take a look at some of these pastimes and also motivate others to make the most of the break.

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