Gohar's Guide: An Unlikely Solace | Teen Ink

Gohar's Guide: An Unlikely Solace

June 18, 2024
By Anna_A SILVER, Quezon City, Other
Anna_A SILVER, Quezon City, Other
8 articles 1 photo 0 comments

This summer, I'm consuming something unexpected: a Discord server. I'm not "consuming" it traditionally; it's just a place I've spent most of my time in these past few days. Why? It's my unlikely haven.

Although I've spent considerable time scrolling and texting on Discord, I also got obsessed with productivity, which may seem contrary to spending time on Discord. However, I soon discovered a server that intertwined these two opposites: Gohar's Guide.

I joined Gohar's Guide to get help with college admissions, which I'll work on in the next several years. As expected, the server had channels to assist high school students with various aspects of their college applications, such as SAT help and extracurricular channels. In these channels, students asked application questions, and college students or adults answered them, making the information credible and practical. After all, these adults have formerly gone through the college admissions process. Sometimes, high schoolers or graduated seniors also helped their younger peers, some who are middle schoolers. This question-and-answer process has guided me throughout my college application, from planning my extracurriculars to assisting with summer reviewing.

However, Gohar's Guide wasn't only for academic help but also a fun place to hang out and chill. Like many servers, it had a memes channel and an active general chat. Through the many jokes on these channels, I learned to laugh a little and chill out sometimes, just like my peers in these channels. It was a challenging pill to swallow, but it was one I needed, and I'm glad they (subconsciously) taught it to me. Additionally, the general chat served as a place where my peers and I could get to know one another and bond over high school memories, such as graduation.

Further, Gohar's Guide also became my solace in tough times. Their venting channel and supportive moderators helped me get up when things didn't go my way, like when my day was unproductive. The members and moderators continuously showed patience in handling my problems and giving advice in challenging high school situations.

Most of all, the server also introduced me to many successful people who helped me leverage myself into a better person. Being surrounded by successful high school entrepreneurs and researchers has pushed me to do better in every aspect of life. Their advice has made me more productive, compassionate, and a better communicator. Even better, they gave me many opportunities! Through this server, I got my first internship in a nonprofit and learned of many selective, prestigious programs.

My only suggestion for this server is to include a college essay editing channel. As essays arguably play a vital role in a student's admission, the server should put more emphasis on college essays and encourage students to seek feedback on these. A program or channel wherein students may receive essay feedback from graduated seniors or college students would be a great addition to the server.

Overall, Gohar's Guide is the best place to hang out online after a long day. It's filled with kind users, supportive (but firm!) moderators, and a community built on success. If you're a rising freshman, I recommend joining this server over the summer, as it will help tons with your college admissions and high school journey.

The author's comments:

I really loved Gohar's Guide, and this review is a token of appreciation to everyone who made it a fun place.

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