Walking Around Uncomfortable | Teen Ink

Walking Around Uncomfortable

December 2, 2022
By ShawnII GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ShawnII GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Six Flags was… it was an experience.

Now, I am not saying I am an expert on walking, but I do know what I enjoy doing, and walking around Six Flags was not it. There were few enjoyable things about the walking “experience” here, but I feel as if that does not properly compensate for the downfalls of Six Flags.

Let’s start with the good. When the day got hot, there were few misters scattered around to cool any foot traffic down. It was a nice gesture and an appreciated one at that. The other thing about this was that when people were walking around, the sights were enjoyable to be around and sometimes a part of. For example, The Demon where the roller coaster is right above the people as they walk by. These made me feel a part of the amusement park, it felt surreal.  

Now, the misters were appreciated, yes, but sadly they seemed to be scattered too far especially for the hot summer day I was there. I walked through three of them, having gone the entire distance of the park. Granted, I could have missed some, but for the distance I went, I would have assumed there would have been more. 

The misters were not the only issue, it is also that their paths take people a long way just so they can cover more buildings. Being there felt more like an effort for a money grab than a place actually interested in amusement. Unlike Disney World, where there are built-in shortcuts in the park, Six Flags has no shortcut, no alternate paths, just a way to fit more buildings in front of the customer’s face. 

Finally, the price of the foods and beverages that are being shoved in front of the eyes of the customers were exceptionally high. Four chicken strips are $12, a beverage is $10, and a burger is $15. These foods and beverages were steeper than the rides there. One would assume that the amount of money the place makes would compensate for at least cheaper food, but no. The people have to be forced to walk through the park and the only way to quench their thirst or fill their stomachs is to sell an arm and a leg for children’s portions.

Overall, Six Flags was an unforgettable experience, but not in a good way. Six Flags needs to fix their walking experience for the benefit of the people who want to enjoy an amusement park not only in its rides, but in its food and atmosphere as well.

The author's comments:

I did not enjoy the walking experience at Six Flags

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