Darkhorse Comics | Teen Ink

Darkhorse Comics MAG

By Anonymous

   The Darkhorse Comic Company has been printing comics for only five years but is already established as a popular publishing company. With less than fifty titles though, Darkhorse is still considered as well-known a company as Marvel Comics and D.C. Comics. Titles like Aliens, Predator, Terminator, Robocop, and original stories like Nextmen and Concrete have kept company on the comic book stands. With only two of their own titles lasting five years in publication, Darkhorse uses popular movie adaptations and writes them into different series. By combining popular movie scripts (Aliens versus Predator and Robocop versus Terminator), they create higher selling series. But over the years, many of Darkhorse's original titles have failed, causing a decline in sales and in popularity. Concrete and the first comic book Darkhorse published, Darkhorse Presents, are still being sold but have declined in popularity.

Lately Darkhorse has been aiming at a new audience by publishing books for mature audiences such as Hard Boiled, which shows death and sex, thus trying to form a new image. With unknown writers and artists, Darkhorse has done well for themselves for the few years it has been established. Darkhorse still has many years left in publication and after a few more years of successes and failures, they should rise up and gain the popularity they deserve. n

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i love this so much!