Pizza in The Corner's | Teen Ink

Pizza in The Corner's

April 26, 2019
By 0orlando BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
0orlando BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Grimaldi’s Pizzeria located in the Corners of Brookfield is overall a good restaurant. Grimaldi's is one of the most consistent restaurants I have ever been to, and I have been to Grimaldi’s over ten times and each time I have been there the food has been above average.

Grimaldi's has a smaller menu, but they make up for their small menu by having outstanding pizza. Pizza isn’t the only item that flabbergasts me on their menu, they also have phenomenal calzones, and excellent fresh salads. But the food isn’t the only thing that makes Grimaldi's an excellent restaurant. When you eat at Grimaldi's, you feel like your in New York City, with Jazz music in the background and the dim light with bottles of wine hanging from the ceiling as lights.

Grimaldi's isn’t perfect; it has some flaws such as a small menu, inconsistent service, and being small overall. This wouldn’t be a place to bring a large family over six people, because the wait would be 45 minutes to an hour. If you did want to bring over six people to eat at Grimaldi's, you would have to show up when they open at 5 p.m. There menu is not very big which makes sense, because of how small the restaurant is, but since the menu is so small your options are limited. There are basically three items you can order pizza, calzones, or salads, not including any of the appetizers they have, which is limited also. There flavor is fantastic, even when I get full and can’t eat anymore I still find a way to eat a couple more pieces of pizza. There most fixable issue, in my opinion, would be service. Grimaldi's service is sometimes inconsistent for example when I order my drink sometimes it will take the waiter 10-15 minutes before he returns, and then another 30-45 minutes after I order my pizza.

Overall, Grimaldi's is a great restaurant, they are clean and consistent tasting. And even though I talked about the things Grimaldi's can improve on, their restaurant design, and food outweighs their flaws everytime.

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