A Train to New York City | Teen Ink

A Train to New York City

February 20, 2019
By haleigh123isme SILVER, Henry, Ohio
haleigh123isme SILVER, Henry, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “A Train to New York City,” written by Ann, talks about what she had seen when she went to NYC. Her writing left me feeling upset and sad. During the story, I was upset because she talked about how there is still racism today. I felt upset while I read the writing because racism should not be happening anymore in today’s society. In the writing she said, “It reads, ‘A man was lynched by the police yesterday’…It’s only from two years ago, and it’s still relevant as I’m standing here.” This made me sad because it shows how we are still being racist even after we learned that all men are created equal. She talks about how if she were to do something like wear a Black Lives Matter shirt that people will not attack her because she is “one of them.” She was upset about this because it is unfair. When she wrote, “The men in suits who run the city are on edge, knowing that the people aren’t going to stand for mistreatment anymore,” it reminded me of the MLK speech and how he fought for the rights of African Americans. It is sad that people are still being racist after we know that it is wrong.

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