"My Lover" | Teen Ink

"My Lover"

March 26, 2017
By Lyn11 BRONZE, Dededo, Other
Lyn11 BRONZE, Dededo, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My lover my lover where could he be
I’ve been traveling so far to find you
At the end of the road where we shall meet
I’ll promise you that we will make it through
He’s tall and handsome cute and amazing
He calls me beautiful and gorgeous too
My world was bright and it wasn’t a fling
My sky was dark and now it’s baby blue
His voice is soothing and stress relieving
The love is unconditional to me
His words are charming and motivating
In my brown eyes god made us meant to be
My love for you will never fade away
As long as you are here for me to stay

The author's comments:

You will be loved

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