This Lovely World | Teen Ink

This Lovely World

December 9, 2016
By KristenGadbois BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
KristenGadbois BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world is worthy of kindness and joy
And picking things up and helping others
It deserves care and love for each girl and boy
And children who take care of their mothers
We are given trees and air and waterfalls
And so many other things
Like laughs and cries and birds who call
And instruments with beautiful strings
I wish every person could realize these gifts
And help others who haven't to find them
Because now our minds continue to drift
And we miss earth’s every gem
So I ask you now to look around
And see the world around you
By picking your eyes up off the ground
You just might find something beautiful too

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