Beyond the Unknown | Teen Ink

Beyond the Unknown

December 2, 2016
By Anonymous

A fire so intense that it scorches the Earth’s core,
Ice blistering cold, enough to freeze oceans whole.
Storms too nonsensical that they can only be lore,
Next to Earth, appears a mysterious gaping black hole!

Exiled to a new universe, there exists an endless amount of more…
Planets that coincide around us, completely in control,
Countless races discovered, what we knew as extraterrestrials, uproar!
Things thought to be fiction are real, such as the existence of a troll.

New peers teach us the value of magic, thus the start of war,
Countless races and humans battle to rule, this takes a toll
Mortals are lower in the food pyramid, while others soar.
By losing this fight, humans now have a new role!

Humans have no choice but to deplore,
As they wish back their days of yore.

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