Taking Chances | Teen Ink

Taking Chances

May 2, 2016
By Anonymous

Taking chances is how I can grow

Without them, I may never know.
A lot of chances we take
Are based on decisions we make.
Although it may be scary
It’s better than sitting back and being ordinary.
It’s kind of fun not knowing
Where exactly I’ll be going.
Picture everything I want in my mind,
Leave all my doubts behind.
I need to take this chance and be brave
There’s a new path that I need to pave.
What do I have to lose?
I can no longer refuse.
I ask myself “ how hard can it be?”
Let’s see where this takes me.

The author's comments:

I overheard a conversation where someone said, "lets see where this takes me...". When I heard that I wrote it down and then wrote a poem on it. 

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