a Jackie Robinson story | Teen Ink

a Jackie Robinson story

April 1, 2016
By Anonymous

Baseball wasn’t always the way it is now
Names being yelled for the color of skin
Not being able to do everything a white can do
Still holding his head high to achieve greatness

Opening the majors steal after steal
Stepping foot into Ebbets field
Head over heels
With phenomenal confidence not backing down for anyone

Hate letters coming
Not effecting his play nor the look that he gave
Being called a “negro” wasn’t it all
But that being the biggest confidence booster of all

Having an impact on others
Changing the game not only for him self
But the importance to fans
Being the past time of the U.S.

With every homer and every run
Success is being made for that bold one
Jackie Robinson the hall of famer himself
Being able to change something without any help
He changed people and history all by himself 

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